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Updated: Nov 29, 2024

A bitter taste fills my mouth.

A bitter taste fills my mouth as I took a bite of the sweet cake.

I am jealous,

Why did she get a party to celebrate her birthday? Why did she get a gift after receiving her result? I had a birthday too

And I got none of that

I scored higher than her

Yet all I got was the silent treatment, which translates to,

"Acceptable as you are not a complete failure"

I was resentful

I was resentful for a lot of things

It is not fair

I was born without much wealth.

I was born to people who would rather spend days,

Days and nights yelling at each other

Screaming how they hated each other

And how much they hated me

It is not fair

I got made fun of in school,

They called me "fat" They called me "ugly" Every action of mine was criticised

It is not fair,

I made a friend-

A very close one

Only to have them leave

They say "the grass is always greener on the other side,

keep to your own side; it's where you belong

But what if I do not belong here?

Why should I be stuck in a place of darkness?

It simply is not fair.

But at some point the bitterness reaches a boiling point,

A point where being resentful hurts you more than your life

During times like that I just keep going

I may not know what I am doing

But I just keep going

I am trying my best

I have no clue what I am doing

But I am trying my best

At times I falter

But I am trying my best

Resentment isn't something which should be avoided but it is not something you should embrace either,

Resentment is the antidote

Resentment allows you to realise you deserve better

And work towards better

But resentment is also the poison as,

Too much resentment makes you stuck to the past

I am not better

I still feel bitter

I still feel numb

I still feel anger

But I am trying my best

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