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To be or not to be (a ramble)

Updated: May 9, 2024

I was around 13 years old when I first realised.

It was terrifying to be honest.

The thought of anyone finding out my "big secret" was overwhelming.

The stress surrounding it was so great that I could not function without thinking about it.

The restriction within me due to society makes me too scared to even type out the 3 letter word which I identify as

A part of me wants to be out and open

After all I should take 'pride' in who I am right?

But a bigger part of me is realistic,

People like me have no choice but to be realistic,

The news articles, the comments made by people around me

Makes me wonder- To be or not to be

All of those reasons are why I cannot be proud of who I am

Maybe one day I might be proud of myself.

Maybe one day I might proudly say the 3 letter word.

Maybe one day I might find the courage to tell the world.

But for now, I prefer to keep it to myself

The consequences of being true to myself are far too great

For now I choose to be, but in secret

I hope that in the future I can tell the world

I hope that in the future I can tell my freinds

I hope that in the future I can tell my family

But for now, I shall keep it to myself

But just because I have to hide it doesnt mean I have to stop it

I will stand up for those who are braver than me

I will make sure they know that they are not alone

After all no one should not be what they want to be

When I come out

There will be anger

There will be disgust

They will be upset

But i shall never not be

I shall never try to change myself

Because there is nothing wrong with being pink even if the whole world is blue

Photo courtesy:

user kaiscott529 on reddit

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